ULTIMATE HEALING for Body, Mind, & Spirit while you Sleep ~ Guided Meditation
UNCOVER THE SECRETS OF ATTRACTION: https://www.dauchsymeditation.com/ ULTIMATE HEALING for Body, Mind, & Spirit while you Sleep ~ Guided Meditation Intro: 0:00 - 3:09 Healing Meditation: 3:09 - 17:40 Healing Affirmations: 17:40 - 3:00:00 The human brain has an incredible capacity for healing. Now, I’m not going to tell you that the brain or this meditation has the ability to cure cancer or make a paralyzed person walk again. I’m never going to share something with you that I don’t fully believe in myself. I’m not trying to spread false hope, just the truth. To find that truth, we must use the scientific method. So what does science say about the brain’s capacity and meditation’s ability to heal the body, mind, and spirit? Now, meditation is mostly seen as a spiritual practice, but this spiritual practice is science-backed and has been proven to have the ability to heal the body. For example, numerous studies have shown how we can heal ourselves simply through our expectations. This is called the placebo effect. This essentially means that if we believe we are healing, the mind will make it so. Another fun fact, neuroplasticity is the brain’s ability to grow and reorganize the neural networks in the brain. So, for example, say someone experiences a stroke or some type of physical trauma to the brain, losing the ability to speak or move. What the brain will do, is rearrange the neural networks so that the functions of speech and movement that were lost, will be provided by a different, undamaged part of the brain. Pretty cool right? But what about mental health? Do we have the ability to heal the mind and the spirit? Of course! And I’m glad that’s the case, or there wouldn’t be much of a reason for me to be a clinical therapist. Most therapeutic treatment is focused on changing the way we think, because we have discovered that, it is our thoughts that create mental illness, and changing those thoughts gives us the ability to heal from those mental illness. Even serious emotional trauma is no longer a life sentence. With the use of therapeutic techniques such as TF-CBT and EMDR, even individuals who have experienced the worst types of traumas and abuse have the ability to live a healthy and happy life. In this meditation, I not only want to help you strengthen your beliefs about healing, but actually your mind’s ability to heal the body and the mind. And you can do this all as you are falling asleep. So, we now know the mind’s capacity for healing, but what if I told you, we also have the ability to manifest anything we want, seemingly effortlessly? If you want to uncover these secrets of attraction that allow us to manifest anything from incredible wealth to the love of our lives, I invite you to Manifest beyond belief. Click the link in the description to find out more. So when you are ready, close your eyes, relax, and let’s begin. MANIFEST BEYOND BELIEF PROGRAM: https://bit.ly/47aozk7