Stop Tennis Elbow With these 5 Exercises
5 exercises to eliminate tennis elbow; do these consistently and watch your strength improve and your pain go away! #tenniselbow #lateralepicondylitis Buy a Therabar: Red (best for most people): https://amzn.to/3OReRNv Green (more resistance): https://amzn.to/3MKbwgi If you’re struggling with daily pain from a bad case of tennis elbow, here are 5 exercises you can do every day that have been proven to reduce pain, improve strength and give you back the use of your hand and wrist. I’m Dr AJ, I’ve been treating elbow pain for a lot of years and these exercises are extremely helpful in healing tennis elbow so you aren’t stuck in pain for years to come. First let’s start with a little warm up that can help ease the pain a little. Hold your arm out in front of you like this and make a fist. Then pump the wrist up and down 10 times. You can do a brief hold in each position if you want. This gets the muscles warmed up and can relieve some pain. Second. You’re going to do a wrist extensor stretch. Hold your arm out in front again. This time you and going to push your wrist down and rotate out and apply a little pressure with the other hand. This will stretch muscles on the top of your forearm. If you can’t feel much of a stretch you can make a fist and that will increase the intensity of the stretch. We want a good stretch, mild discomfort is ok but don’t push through a lot of pain. Hold this for 20 seconds and repeat three times. Third is a wrist flexor stretch. These are the muscles on the underside of your forearm and they are a lot stronger than the muscles on the other side. They can also get tight and create a big of an imbalance so by stretching these muscles we can help take some tension off of the wrist extensors and the tendon where your pain is. For this you’ll hold your arm out in front with your palm up. Then grab your fingers and pull them down. This is a really effective way to stretch your forearm. Hold it for 20 seconds and repeat 3 times. Number 4 is an eccentric strengthening exercise. It uses a therabar which is a really useful tool for healing tennis elbow. It’s pretty inexpensive, I don’t have a relationship with the company but I do like this product. I’ll also show you a similar exercise you can do if you don’t want the get the therabar. It’s called the Tyler Twist and it actually has a study that showed really good pain reduction and improved strength in people with tennis elbow. To do the exercise you hold one end of the bar with the injured arm with your wrist fully extended. Then you grab behind the bar with your other hand and give it a good twist. You want a lot of tension on the bar. Then you straighten out both arms while keeping the bar fully twisted. Now slowly untwist the bar with your injured arm. The slow untwisting motion should take 4 full seconds. For the best results you’ll need to do 3 sets of 15 every day for 6 weeks so you can fully heal your tennis elbow and get back to doing what you want without pain. In the study they used a rest period of 30 seconds in between sets. If you don’t have the bar you can do a slow wrist drop with resistance from your opposite hand. With your arm supported, fully extend the wrist then apply pressure with the opposite hand in a way that you slowly resist that pressures, allowing your wrist to fully drop over a count of 4 seconds. You’ll want to do this for 3 sets of 15 every day just like the other exercise. A little pain or discomfort is ok with these exercises but don’t push through a lot of pain, use less resistance until you can handle more. Number 5. This one you do need the rubber therabar to do unless you can get really creative and figure out another way to do it. For this one you are going to wiggle the bar side to side with small movements from your wrist. Start with 20 to 30 seconds, and repeat 3 times. Number 6. This also uses the bar but you could also do it with a resistance band. This one may cause some discomfort, if it’s too painful wait until your pain is a little better then add it to your routine. You’re going to grip the bar or a resistance band and rotate slowly bend the bar or rotate with wrist then slowly return to the starting position. Repeat for 3 sets of 10 reps. Start with lighter resistance so you don’t flare it up and work your way up from there. Do these every day and you will see a reduction in elbow pain and improved strength. Most will notice the pain will start to calm down after a few days of doing these exercises but plan on doing them consistently for 6 weeks for best results or even longer if needed. I wish you the best in healing your tennis elbow, make sure to watch the other videos in my tennis elbow series to get all the info you need. Thanks for watching!