{67584Hz Sample & Stereo} Brandy - Love Is on My Side {True 528Hz With 432Hz Video Pixels}
Love & Blissings to everyone, Down Below is all the information I've gathered about sound & the effects on them & all of my links Down Below Patreon Link: https://www.patreon.com/FrequencyGodCreati... For Donations: CashApp: https://cash.app/$KingIverson16 PayPal: https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/KingIverso... My Coo432Hz Description: “432Hz is a natural, grounding, harmonic, & balancing frequency. This frequency has proven to reduce anxiety, anxiety attacks & lower blood pressure due to how the frequency calms & balances the cells in your body. 440Hz is the frequency you hear on your favorite artists youtube pages and any other music platform or platforms in general. 440Hz does the total opposite of what 432Hz provides. 440Hz creates distortion to the brain, and creates in imbalance with your hormones causing to disturb/effect your mood. I want to push 432Hz out to those that aren't aware of it so they can make that transition into listening to 432Hz when they're listening to music. What is 110592Hz & a Sample Rate? 110592Hz is a sample rate frequency. A Sample Rate frequency is another form of a frequency, specifically determining how good the audio is. The standard Sample Rate frequencies 44100Hz & 48000Hz. Neither one of those frequencies are soothing to the ears, especially 44100Hz. Even though 44100Hz & 48000Hz represent real time recording, it creates a distortion feeling just like 440Hz which is not good for the brain cells because those are the ones that's targeted the most. Basically what 110592Hz is 432Hz but in a higher number note scale. 110592Hz is A12 Note & 432Hz is A4 Note, no matter what note or number note it is, you can still feel the effects of 432Hz if converted correctly. But unfortunately you can only hear some of the sample rate of 110592Hz because youtube only allows sample rates of 44100Hz & 48000Hz. To get the full effects of the sample rate 110592Hz along with the 432Hz conversion, I have a patreon that allows me to post any sample rate that i want . My patreon is FREE and will always be FREE. I will provide a link to my patreon below” More Frequency God Description: What is 808? 808 is basically electronically music sets, such as drums,guitars, & other instruments that were electronically made and played. The problem with this is that this actually creates a form of distortion to our brain because the way that they are made is not good for our ears & doesn’t harmonize our bodies in no form of way, especially if these instruments/beats are really loud/distorted. It triggers violence upon the people generally & attacks the root chakra. My temporary solution for this is converting these songs into 396Hz to reduce these effects. Non 808 is the total opposite of 808. My YT Channels: Frequency God🌹{ @FrequencyGodd }, Main Converter Channel: https://youtube.com/@FrequencyGodd?fe... PositiveHz { @PositiveHz }, Feminine Music Converter Channe: https://youtube.com/@PositiveHz?featu... RevolutionarySounds🌹{ @revolutionarysounds432Hz }, Tv Show, Movie & Video Channel: https://youtube.com @revolutionarysounds432Hz ?feature=shared Zįñ Røśë { @YinRose888 }, Motivational/Music Channel: https://youtube.com/@YinRose888?featu... Yäńg Røšë { @YangRose888 }, My Own Created Music Channe: https://youtube.com/@YangRose888?feat... More Frequency God 🦋 { @MoreFrequencyGod }, Request & Extra Content Conversion Channel: https://youtube.com/@MoreFrequencyGod... Frequency Ivø { @RevoIvoUniversaAcademy }, Frequency Gaming Channel: https://youtube.com/@RevoIvoUniversaA... SoundVibrationHz { @soundvibrationhz444 }, Meditation Channel: https://youtube.com/@soundvibrationhz... PsychologicalHealingMeditations { @PsychoHealing888 }, 2nd Meditation Channel: https://youtube.com/@PsychoHealing888... 805.12HzRadio { @805.12HzRadio }, 805.12Hz Conversion Music: https://youtube.com/@805.12HzRadio?fe... PositiveRevolutionz, { @positiverevolutionz888 }, Feminine Video Conversion Videos: https://youtube.com/@positiverevoluti... Spiritual Rose, { @spiritualrosee }, Extra Conversion Channel: https://youtube.com/@spiritualrosee?f... Coo432Hz, { @coo432hz6 }, Extra Conversion Channel: https://youtube.com/@coo432hz6?featur... Love & Blissings to ALL 💚