Q.5 I Ex- 12.2  I Class 10 I Surface Areas and Volumes I Chapter 12 I NCERT I

Q.5 I Ex- 12.2 I Class 10 I Surface Areas and Volumes I Chapter 12 I NCERT I

Q.5 I Ex- 12.2 I Class 10 I Surface Areas and Volumes I Chapter 12 I NCERT I Surface Areas and Volumes I Chapter 12 I Ex 12.2 I Q.5 Chapter 12 I Areas and Volumes I Class 10 I Ncert I #class10 #maths #Chapter12 #surfaceareasandvolumesclass10 #ncert ‎‎‪@CLASS10BRAINOSOLUTIONS‬ Vessel is in form of inverted cone it's height is 8cm and radius of top is 5cm It is filled with