3-23-2025 10:30am Contemporary Joy Worship - “Who Am I?”

3-23-2025 10:30am Contemporary Joy Worship - “Who Am I?”

“Modern Christianity tends to think of the church either as a place where individuals come to find answers to their questions or as one more stop where individuals can try to satisfy their consumerist desires. As such, Christianity becomes intellectualized rather than incarnate, commodified rather than the site of genuine community.” (James K.A. Smith) March 23, 2025 – The Third Sunday in Lent Old Testament: Psalm 63:1-8 Epistle: 1 Peter 4:7-11 Gospel: Luke 22:47-65 Sermon Title: “Who Am I?” As always, if you can’t be here in-person, take advantage of our live stream option. We live stream our worship services directly from the home page of Immanuel’s website through YouTube. You can view our worship live streams here: https://immanuelloveland.org/ Permission to reprint, podcast, and/or stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE under license #A-724593-A and/or from CHRISTIAN COPYRIGHT LICENSING INTERNATIONAL (CCLI) under license #875069. All rights reserved.