September 20th, 2020: 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time 10am
Presider: Fr. Bob --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prelude: Tranquility - G. Martin Gathering: All Are Welcome #846 Psalm: Ps 25: Your Ways, O Lord: Your ways, O Lord, are love and truth, to those who keep your covenant. Gifts: Instrumental Communion: I Have Loved You Recessional: Anthem Postlude: God Is My Strong Salvation - arr. G. Young Cantor: Dennis O'Brien ****************************************************** 26th Sunday of Ordinary Time (A) Prayer of the Faithful For the Church, that the Spirit of Jesus, who emptied Himself to walk with humanity, will guide us to open our eyes and attend to the needs and sufferings of our brothers and sisters, especially those who are most vulnerable. We pray to the Lord. For all priests as we celebrate Priesthood Sunday, that their ministry will be fruitful and appreciated by the people whom they serve. We pray to the Lord. For migrants and refugees on this World Day of Migrants and Refugees, that those who have fled violence, starvation, persecution, or natural disasters will know God’s love and find strength in our concern and compassion for them as children of God. We pray to the Lord. For greater unity in concern for one another within our country, that we will become ever more aware of being one human family under God, especially at this time of crisis due to COVID-19. We pray to the Lord. For safe and honest elections, that God will guide those who are organizing the elections, protect each district from interference, and motivate all to fulfill their civic responsibilities by voting. We pray to the Lord. For the sick, especially Fr. Milton Camargo, Sarah Wilkens, Daniel Deicas, all those with the corona virus, and those included in our parish bulletin, that God will relieve their suffering, bring them healing, and sustain them as they work to recover their strength. We pray to the Lord. For members of our families, friends, and community who have died, especially former Newark Archbishop John Joseph Myers, George Gonsolves, the victims of the coronavirus, and for Evelyn Fitzpatrick, the Deceased Members of the Fitzsimmons Family, Mr. & Mrs. Charles Spencer, Sr., Kevin Lanigan, Tom Swartz, Jr., James Meyer, and Christine Hoffman Schmitt, whom we remember at this Mass, that they will know peace in God’s presence forever. We pray to the Lord. ========================================== Announcements: September 19/20, 2020 Announcements at end of mass: 1: If you view the liturgy via livestream and wish to receive Eucharist, communion is available at the entranceway to the parish center in the parking lot between 11:00 a.m. and 11:15 a.m. 2: Registration for Walking with Purpose is now open. Please see the parish website for information and registration details. 3: The parish is beginning a digital pictorial with photos and history of St. Patrick Church. If you wish to provide pictures of yourself at parish events or written information that pertains to the history of the parish. Please send to Fr. Artur. He will return pictures to you.