Prevent 80% of Heart Attacks and Strokes

Prevent 80% of Heart Attacks and Strokes

Prevent 80% of Heart Attacks and Strokes Even the American Heart Association says that most heart attacks and strokes are preventable, and somewhere in the category of 80%, and in my practice it's much higher than that are avoidable. Again, the technologies and the therapies and the lifestyle recommendations that we know are the most impactful, all of that's very powerful. But in order for us to avoid these diseases and live vibrantly healthy to our last breath. I find that fear is not a great motivator. It might be a short term motivator because patients will call when they get out of the hospital, sometimes very afraid of having had an experience like they've just experienced again, a hospital visit, a near death experience or procedures and pain. So, of course, they're fearful, but it's going to happen again, and they don't want to go through that again. But our memory on that pain and that fear is short lived. For more information, visit