Daily LENTEN PRAYERS & REFLECTION|| Day 5 of 40 days Lent with Jesus - Monday in First week of lent
Daily LENTEN PRAYERS & REFLECTION|| Day 5 of 40 days Lent with Jesus - Monday in First week of lent Lent is the six weeks or 40days of penitence before Easter (Excluding Sundays, adding Sundays means 46 days before Easter). Lent is a period of reflection and reconciliation, characterised by fasting and penance. Lent marks the passion and suffering of Jesus Christ to redeem mankind. During the period of Lent we humble ourselves before God in prayer Lenten period comprises of The three main practices: PRAYER, ABSTINENCE & ALMSGIVING/Charity Prayer during Lent focuses on repentance, and receiving God’s mercy, forgiveness and love. Fasting, is a form of sacrifice and mortification, you give up something you love or find pleasure in, and also food or meat, or a favourite activity and spend more time connecting with God. ALMSGIVING is a way to respond to God’s grace, generosity and love, it is encouraged to spend the money meant for the meal given up or the luxury given up, on alms and charity example, you can spend time volunteering or donate money to a cause. Here on Catholic Prayer forum, we support the mission on giving limbs and aid to people with disabilities who are financially disadvantaged. You can make a donation by sending a super thanks or using this link https://ko-fi.com/catholicprayerforum https://www.buymeacoffee.com/catholic... May God hear your prayers for this season and beyond 0:00 Lenten reflection and prayer for Lent 2025 0:42 Day 5 Lent 2025 Monday in First Week of Lent 0:50 Lent Readings scripture reflection 1:29 Scripture Reflection and Meditation 2:40 prayer for Lenten grace 4:31 conclusion Scripture taken from Galatians 5:24 Those who belong to Christ Jesus have nailed the passions and desires of their sinful nature to his cross and crucified them there To truly belong to Jesus, we must crucify our selfish passions, leaving them at the foot of His cross. The crucifixion and death of Jesus is an invitation for us to die to sin daily. Just as He carried the weight of our transgressions, we are called to let go of the burdens that separate us from God: pride, anger, greed, lust, envy, and all that binds our hearts to the world instead of to Him. Yet, this surrender is not meant to leave us empty. When we crucify our sinful nature, we make room for the Holy Spirit to fill us with new life. We exchange selfishness for love, impatience for peace, and temptation for strength in Christ. Today, ask yourself: “What do I need to nail to the cross? What habits, thoughts, or desires prevent me from fully living in God’s grace? As we fast, pray, and give alms, may we do so with the intention of being renewed in Christ, trusting that His resurrection brings us victory over sin. Prayer Merciful Father, You call us to return to You with all our hearts. Create in us clean hearts, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within us. May our repentance be true, not just in words, but in the depths of our souls. Forgive us, Lord, and pour out Your blessings upon us. Unite us as a community of faith, that our turning back to You may bring healing to our lives and to the world around us. Restore what is broken in our hearts, our homes, and our relationships. Bring healing to the sick, comfort to the sorrowful, and strength to those who are weary. Open our hearts to acts of kindness and generosity. May our fasting be accompanied by love, our prayers by compassion, and our sacrifices by generosity toward those in need. Help us to see Christ in the poor, the lonely, and the suffering, and to give without counting the cost. May our hands be open to lift others, and our hearts be willing to serve. We place our intentions before You, trusting in Your boundless mercy. Heal us, restore us, and lead us ever closer to You. Amen. Lent 2025 Lenten season readings readings 2025 Lenten reflections 2025 Monday in First week of Lent Lenten season day 5 Lenten songs hymns catholic Lenten meditations 2025 Lenten prayers 2025 Lenten retreat Lenten talks Lenten gospel acclamation What is lent Fasting during lent What’s the purpose of lent Things you can give up for lent Lent 40 days before Easter #ashwednesday #lent #lentenseason #fasting #prayer #abstinence #ourladyoflourdes #shrovetuesday #lent2025 #lent #lentenreflections #lentseason #lentsongs #ashwednesday #ashwednesday2025 #lent2025 #goodfriday