🌹The Joyful Mysteries~The Essential Scriptural Rosary🌹
🌹The Joyful Mysteries of the Most Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary recited with each Biblical verse on screen to be read aloud or in silence while meditating on the Life of Jesus Christ her Beloved Son, and Our Lord. Live video footage set in a garden of a 19th century estate where two garden houses stand, a stone-walled rose garden, and garden where a tree representing the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden also still grows today. Also, in my own garden, and skies above. An unusual experience to aid meditation in coming to the feet of Our Blessed Lord, and Savior, Jesus Christ. Thank you for joining me today! I pray with you that you and your heart's needs in meditation this night are answered by our Father in Heaven. Much Love and God's Blessings be with you!🌹 #JoyfulMysteries #Rosary #LiveRosaryRecitation #JesusChrist #BibleScriptures #ChildsPark #GardenofEden #RoseGarden #Annunciation #Visitation #Nativity #Presentation #FindingofJesusintheTemple