Renal Calculi AKA "Kidney Stones" | MedSurg Help for Nursing Students
Get Access to Nurse In The Making +: https://anurseinthemaking.com/pages/n... – The Complete NCLEX Med Surg Flashcards – https://nurseinthemaking.co/medsurg – Nursing School Study Guides – https://nurseinthemaking.co/shop – FREE Guides– https://nurseinthemaking.co/free STAY IN TOUCH💛 Subscribe: / @nurseinthemaking Instagram: / kristine_nurseinthemaking TikTok: / nurseinthemakingkristine A message from Kristine, founder of NurseInTheMaking📣 My name is Kristine and I survived nursing school…and you can too! Nurse In The Making was inspired during my time in nursing school. I immediately struggled and decided to create my own study guides. These guides have helped me personally as well as many others make nursing school just a little more manageable.I hope you find comfort knowing that everyone struggles at times. Nursing school is emotionally and physically draining. I hope these informative, clean, and simple guides help you navigate through all the information because there is A LOT of it in nursing school. Happy Studying Future Nurses. Don't forget to enjoy the journey!