"Psalm 23: I Shall Live In the House of the Lord" (Alstott)-'PAX 7-3-0'
(October 21, 2017)-'PAX 7-3-0' with Cantor Jerry, sings Owen Alstott's Year A setting of Psalm 23, "I Shall Live In the House of the Lord," accompanied by Joe (Piano), Valeria Pott (Flute) and Cecilia Vo (Violin), during Mass at Pax Christi Catholic Church, Rochester, MN. Words/Text: Psalm 23:1-6; Lectionary For Mass, © 1969, 1981, 1997, ICEL. Music/Tune: Owen Alstott © 1977, 1990, OCP. Published by OCP, "Respond & Acclaim." http://www.ocp.org/search?query=respo... 'PAX 7-3-0' is Joe Kelley (Director/Tenor), Maureen O'Brien (Soprano), John Nordman (Tenor/Baritone) and Jerry Pott (Baritone/Bass).