Three vessel cord means baby boy| Umblical cord| 3V cord

Three vessel cord means baby boy| Umblical cord| 3V cord

your Queries three vessel means baby boy 3V cord umblical cord The umbilical cord ultrasound of umbilical cord abnormalities of umbilical cord placenta and the umbilical cord cutting of umbilical cord care of umbilical cord three vessel cord two vessel cord single umbilical artery cord presentation posterior placenta means baby boy posterior placenta means baby girl 3 vessel cord 3 V cord baby boy baby girl baby gender gender reveal 3 vessel cord means turtle sign this vedio is about three vessel umblical cord and it's relationship with baby gender. English Subtitles have been added to this vedio for your help. if you like this vedio subscribe my channel. thank you #umbilicalcord #threevesselcord #umblicus #pregnancy #babyboy #subtitles