역대상 1Chronicles 4: 9-10 | 야베스의 기도 | The Prayer of Jabez | Rev.Guhyun Woo

역대상 1Chronicles 4: 9-10 | 야베스의 기도 | The Prayer of Jabez | Rev.Guhyun Woo

14 November 2021 [The Prayer of Jabez / 야베스의 기도] *** Please click the SHOW MORE for Bible verses and English Preaching text #역대상 #1Chronicles 4: 9-10 #Hymn찬송가364 역대상 4: 9야베스는 그의 형제보다 귀중한 자라 그의 어머니가 이름하여 이르되 야베스라 하였으니 이는 내가 수고로이 낳았다 함이었더라 10야베스가 이스라엘 하나님께 아뢰어 이르되 주께서 내게 복을 주시려거든 나의 지역을 넓히시고 주의 손으로 나를 도우사 나로 환난을 벗어나 내게 근심이 없게 하옵소서 하였더니 하나님이 그가 구하는 것을 허락하셨더라 1 Chronicle 4: 9 Jabez was more honourable than his brothers; and his mother called his name Jabez, saying, “Because I bore him in pain ” 10 Jabez called upon the God of Israel, saying, “Oh that you would bless me and enlarge my border, and that your hand might be with me, and that you would keep me from harm so that it might not bring me pain!” And God granted what he asked (ESV) [The Prayer of Jabez / 야베스의 기도] We Christians regard the pain of life as an advantage that gets God’s help easily rather than taking a pessimistic approach After the Exile, Persia released the Israelites back to Jerusalem at the end of the 6 th century BC and they had a messianic hope in Judah’s genealogy And we find Jabez’s strange prayer on it We identify with Jesus by pain Jabez’s mother named Jabez that meant ‘making pain’ because she had much affliction when she bore him This was not a good name But after the Exile, the Israelites identified with Jabez’s desire 1) which is to enlarge his territory and be free from all pain This is strange within the solemn messianic line here We identify with Jesus for a living In v 10 ‘your (God’s) hand might be with me,’ shows the Chronicle’s vocabulary used on people who had God’s help in their struggling life and God fought for them in war 2) We Christians also have the same pain with non-Christians for a living rather than Monasticism with a hypocritical and cowardly life We identify with Jesus’ territory as ours Jabez’s prayer’s focus was to enlarge his territory and be free from pain We should interpret the Old Testament’s territory as God’s kingdom and being free from pain as heaven The Israelite’s hope of Messiah’s kingdom without pain was adumbrated in Jabez’s prayer and God’s answer We also expect Jesus’ Kingdom as ours Guhyun Woo ----------------------------------------- 1) Richard L Pratt, 1 and 2 Chronicles, a mentor commentary (Ross-shire: Christian Focus Publications in the Mentor imprint, 1998), p 74 2) Ibid #강해설교역대상