PCOD/PCOS - क्या होता है? | All about PCOD/PCOS- Causes, Symptoms & Treatment | Dr. Shalu Gupta

PCOD/PCOS - क्या होता है? | All about PCOD/PCOS- Causes, Symptoms & Treatment | Dr. Shalu Gupta

PMC Hindi के show Back to Nature में हम आप तक लेकर आते हैं World Renowned Naturopaths और Health Experts, जो हमारे साथ Health Issues और Lifestyle Medicine पर चर्चा करते हैं। इस Episode में हमारे साथ जुड़े Medical Officer, Samshudhi and Naturopath Dr. Shalu Gupta जी, जिन्होंने हमारे साथ बात की PCOD & PCOS विषय पर। इस Show में Healthy Industry Experts आपके साथ share करते हैं कि कैसे आप Naturopathy और अलग-अलग Lifestyle Medicine व Alternate Healing Modalities के माध्यम से खुद को Disease-free कर सकते हो। ये show Zero Budget Health, Holistic Lifestyle और Brahmarshi Patriji के 'No Doctor, No Medicine' के concept को dedicated है। यहाँ अलग-अलग Health Experts आपको Health-related tips, Home Remedies और Self care के लिए कई तरह के नुस्खे सुझाते हैं, जैसे - Meditation, Breathwork, Yoga Excercises, Pranayama, Ayurveda, Panchakarma, Homoeopathy, Acupressure, Acupuncture, Sound Healing, Art and Music Therapy, Aromatherapy, Herbal Medicine, Detoxification के लिए Dietary Therapies, etc. Ayurvedic Dinacharya के साथ-साथ वे आपको रोगमुक्त करने के लिए Energy Medicine, Power of Visualization and Affirmations, Mind-Body Healing, Chakra Balancing, etc. तरीके भी recommend करते हैं। देखिये Back to Nature हर सोमवार और शुक्रवार सुबह 10 बजे और पुनः प्रसारण मंगलवार और शनिवार शाम 5 बजे। Back to Nature के सारे Episodes यहाँ देखें -    • Heal Yourself With Naturopathy 🌴 | Ba...   Chapters: 00:15 - Introduction 01:16 - PCOD & It's Symptoms 03:14 - Causes of PCOD & PCOS 06:06 - Irregular Periods: When to Worry About PCOD or PCOS? 09:11 - Panchkarma Treatment for PCOD & PCOS 11:52 - Natural Remedies for PCOD & PCOS 16:00 - Daily Routine for Good Health 19:07 - How to Balance your Hormonal Imbalance? 22:05 - Importance of Yoga 23:13 - Is PCOD Curable or Not? 24:59 - Conclusion 🧘🏼‍♂️ Learn Anapanasati Meditation Online👇 https://masterbano.pmchindi.com 📍Visit a Pyramid Meditation Center near you https://pmchindi.com/pyramid-meditati... 🗓️ Join a Annual or Monthly Spiritual Events in India & Meet https://programs.pmchindi.com 💬 Join करें हमारा WhatsApp Channel : https://whatsapp.com/channel/0029Va70... Follow Other PMC Hindi Channels: PMC Hindi (24×7) TV    / pmchinditv   PMC Hindi Clips    / @pmchindiclips   PMC Hindi Health    / @pmchindihealth   📺 TV पर PMC हिन्दी देखें: Tata Play: Channel No. 1088 Jio TV App & Jio TV+ : Channel No. 1109 Fastway: Channel No. 604 Chandani Cable: Channel No. 604 ABC Digital: Channel No. 555 Connect with PMC Hindi on Social Media: Instagram -   / pmchindi   Facebook -   / pmchindi   LinkedIn -   / pmchindi   Twitter -   / pmchindi   Koo - https://kooapp.com/profile/PMC_Hindi WhatsApp - 07042831591 About PMC Hindi: Pyramid Meditation Channel Hindi (#PMCHindi) is a unique New-Age Spiritual Channel, that envisions and endeavours to showcase the Universal Spiritual Truth and Reality to the whole of mankind through transformative, positive media. It is the official Hindi Media wing of Pyramid Spiritual Societies Movement (PSSM), managed by OneMedia Network. For any queries, kindly reach out to us at [email protected] or visit https://pmchindi.com, https://pssmovement.org/ Buy Pyramids, Crystals Online: https://urjafy.com Subscribe to PSSM's Hindi Magazine - Pyramid Dhyan Jagat (PDJ): https://www.pmchindi.com/print Buy Spiritual Books Online : https://urjafy.com/product-category/b...