JOSHUA KJV | Holy Bible Dramatized | Audio Bible Audiobook (FULL) | Pic-Verse-Text Movie

JOSHUA KJV | Holy Bible Dramatized | Audio Bible Audiobook (FULL) | Pic-Verse-Text Movie

The complete book of Joshua. Joshua chapter 1 - Joshua chapter 24. All 658 verses of Joshua visually synchronized with audio of the actual "Pic-Verse-Text." Audio Video Bible's done the hard way. The right way. God's Word deserves no less - Chapter by chapter, individual verse by individual verse (picturized). Thank you for watching! Please help us create a thirst for God's Word (The Bible) by sharing this video with others. Also be sure to Like, Subscribe, Comment and click the notifications button for the latest here at @HolyBibleAudioText. About The "King James FCBH Dramatized Narration 1:" While working on finishing up my own narration videos of: Joshua - 24 Chapters Judges - 21 Chapters 1 Samuel - 31 Chapters 2 Samuel - 24 Chapters 1 Kings - 22 Chapters 2 Kings - 25 Chapters 1 Chronicles - 29 Chapters 2 Chronicles - 36 Chapters Job - 42 Chapters Isaiah - 66 Chapters Jeremiah - 52 Chapters Ezekiel - 48 Chapters I will be uploading these "King James FCBH Dramatized Narrations" that I made ahead of time. About The "King James FCBH Dramatized Narration 1:" This narration was done by the Faith Comes by Hearing company. I understand some may feel this dramatized narration may be for children or cartoon-like but I have found that the narration along with the “Pic-Verse-Text” is an awesome way to memorize scripture. That’s why I put them together! Therefore, it might not be everyone, but we all have our own preferences on narration styles and the more choice the better in reaching others for a love of God’s Word (The Bible). Faith Comes By Hearing (FCBH) is a dedicated Christian ministry that through their wide range of listening programs, and Audio Bible’s via various digital media means have reached hundreds of millions of people around the world with The Gospel in over 2,000 languages! If you are like me, grew up in USA, you have many options when it comes to listening to The Bible but for many cultures and countries they have no Audio Bibles. Faith Comes By Hearing (FCBH) ultimate goal is that every translated language will have access to an Audio Bible. King James FCBH Dramatized Narration 1. Donate to narration company: Note: Just in Bible ministry is not directly associated with Faith Comes By Hearing (FCBH). They simply are a ministry that I trust and donate to, and recommend. ================================== The main thing is to KNOW CHRIST! The biblical Jesus Christ! So this BibleProject channel Blessfully includes All 31,102 verses of The Holy Bible visually HD (High Definition) synchronized with audio of the actual "Pic-Verse-Text." Audio Video Bible's done the hard way. The right way. God's Word deserves no less - Chapter by chapter, individual verse by individual verse (picturized). Much love & respect to other great Bible channels like: Scourby YouBible that i have learned from and SOAKSTREAM - Healing Scriptures, also Christopher Glyn is a great narrator too. Be sure to subscribe & click notifications button. The Word of God is the sword of the Spirit (Ephesians 6:17). Scripture memorization is vital in warfare! The Bible, narrated by a real believer. With all the lies and falsehood that dwell in a fallen world the safest way to go is to stay – "Just In Bible" May God Bless you with an unquenchable thirst for His Holy Word (The Bible) #bookofjoshua #joshua1 #joshua2 #faithcomesbyhearing #audiobibledramtized #audio #bible #scripture #kjv #joshua3 #joshua19