Break FREE from Azoospermia Myths Holding You Back!Dr.Sunil Jindal
Join Our Free Webinar - https://academy.freedomfrominfertilit... to avail free gifts Join this channel to get access to perks: / @drsuniljindal Azoospermia, the absence of sperm in the ejaculate, is a complex condition often misunderstood. Let’s debunk some common myths to better understand the condition and its implications. Generally speaking, couples are considered infertile after about a year of trying to conceive with unprotected sex. Crossing the invisible line into the infertility world can be overwhelming and intimidating. Aside from feeling like pregnancy announcements are posted everywhere you look, you may worry about your overall health and not know what to do next. You’re not alone. Some 12 to 13 in 100 couples experience infertility. Up to 50 percentTrusted Source of these cases can be attributed to what’s called male-factor infertility. Azoospermia is a possible cause, which is marked by a total lack of sperm in the semen. While rare, about 1 percentTrusted Source of men have azoospermia, and it’s the root of between 10 to 15 percentTrusted Source of infertility cases. 00:00 Introduction 01:47 1. Myth: Azoospermia Means Zero Chance of Becoming a Father 03:02 2. Myth: Azoospermia Is Always Permanent 03:51 3. Myth: Azoospermia Is Rare 04:45 4. Myth: Azoospermia Is Caused by Poor Lifestyle Choices Alone 05:50 5. Myth: Azoospermia causes of Masturbation 07:20 6. Myth: All Men with Azoospermia Have the Same Condition 08:03 7. Myth: Azoospermia Is Diagnosed Through Semen Analysis Alone 08:50 8. Myth: Azoospermia Is Always a Male-Only Problem 09:33 9. Myth: Azoospermia Is Caused by Poor Diet Alone 10:15 10. Myth: Sperm Retrieval Is Always Successful in Azoospermia 11:03 11. Myth: Azoospermia Is a Sign of Masculinity Problems 👉 / jindalhospit...👉 / sunilkjindal1👉 / drsunilkjin...👉 / jindaltestub...👉 https://t.me/joinchat/Sz4w1N0pS4MPjUEq Dr. Sunil Jindal Reproductive specialist (Endoscopic / Microsurgery / IVF / ICSI) Surgeon, Andrologist, IVF sp by training, Orator, Author, teacher by passion Over 6000 babies born by ART There's nothing I love more than giving children to infertile couples Dr. Anshu Jindal High Risk Obstetrician & Gynaecologist, Infertility Specialist, Over 6000 babies born by ART Medical Director Jindal Hospital & Dr. Madhu Jindal Memorial Test Tube Baby Centre, Meerut Website - www.jindalhospital.org Appointment – 9897900920, WhatsApp – 8006666085, 8006666004 Email – [email protected] We bring to you this video from the state of the art fertility centre for men and women,Jindal hospital and test tube baby centre.This video is for patient and doctor education so that you are wiser in pursuing your dream and goal of having a baby for yourself or your patients.All the best-You are a champion! #sperm morphology #male infertility #dr.sunil jindal #jindal hospital #dr sunil #dr anshu jindal #lbest ivf package #best ivf centre #cost of ivf #infertility in men #male infertility #treatment #male #infertility test