Trinity Sunday Worship Service March 26th, 2024
March 26, 2024 (5/26/24) Holy Trinity Sunday Beautiful Savior SeaTac, WA 9 AM PDT Welcome to our Trinity Sunday worship service, as we celebrate the mystery of who God is made known as three in one. Today we rejoice in the profound joy of knowing God and understanding our identity in Him. We invite you to join us for this time of worship as we hear and rejoice in the depths of God's love and the incredible assurance that comes from being His beloved children. 0:00:00 Pre-service Slides 0:06:50 Announcements 0:11:06 Call to worship // Alleluia Let Praises Ring 0:17:38 Confession of Sins (stream crash) // How Great Is Our God 0:22:20 Gospel Reading // Prayer of the day // Sharing the Peace // Second Reading 0:33:04 Children's Message // This I Believe (creed song) 0:40:16 Sermon // Holy Holy Holy // Offering Prayer 0:57:29 Offering Prayer // Who Am I // Prayers of the Church 1:08:06 Blessings // Jesus Messiah #TrinitySunday #WorshipService #HolyTrinity All music streamed by permission under one of the following licenses: CCLI license 314128 ONE LICENSE, License 738824-A