[Genshin Impact] 3.5 Ballads of Breeze Beatmap Showcase by Rhythm Game dev (all 14, all Canorus)

[Genshin Impact] 3.5 Ballads of Breeze Beatmap Showcase by Rhythm Game dev (all 14, all Canorus)

edit May 2024: Updated the beatmap codes due to a bug in 4.6 needing the beatmaps to be republished with a new ID. Considering they were saved in the first place though, I'm not complaining lol. Updated montage:    • Video   Since the event goes away permanently, thought I'd compile a single handy video of all the Beatmaps I made for posterity. The 3.5 ones are new, and the Drumalong reprise beatmaps were remade by hand referencing the old videos, but updated since we no longer have the 500 notecount limit and the various compromises that were made to accommodate. Also in some cases revamped where things weren't working out due to the way Genshin's rhythm game event presents notes, etc. All charts and gameplay by me, full Canorus across the board. Music, characters, art, and event content belong to HOYO-MIX and Hoyoverse. 0:00 Bard's Adventure (Venti's Theme) 1:54 Winding Through Avidya (Tighnari's Theme) 4:03 Caprice of the Leaves (Collei's Theme) 5:22 Caelestinum Finale Termini (Stormterror Battle) 7:34 Dance of Aphros (Eula's Theme) 9:30 Contemplation in Snow (Albedo's Theme) 11:26 Invitation of Windblume (Event Theme) 13:00 Termination of Desires (Raiden Shogun's Theme) 14:32 Rage Beneath the Mountains (Azhdaha Battle Phase 2) 16:13 Let's Go, Crimson Knight! (Klee's Theme) 17:49 Devotion of the Keeper (Thoma's Theme) 19:00 Drifter's Destiny (Kazuha's Theme) 20:37 Time to Shine (Itto's Theme) 22:14 Blossoms of Summer Night (Yoimiya's Theme) Beatmap codes (Asian server): Blossoms of Summer Night 14298754608988 ★★★★★ ★★★✯✯ ✯✯✯✯✯ (730 notes) Time to Shine 11000219725660 ★★★★★ ★★✯✯✯ ✯✯✯✯✯ (570 notes) Drifter's Destiny 5103447900 ★★★★★ ★★★✯✯ ✯✯✯✯✯ (535 notes) Devotion of the Keeper 4403149959004 ★★★★★ ★★✯✯✯ ✯✯✯✯✯ (533) Let's Go, Crimson Knight! 1104615075676 ★★★★★ ★★★★✯ ✯✯✯✯✯ (600 notes) Rage Beneath the Mountains 12099731353436 ★★★★★ ★★★★★ ★★★★✯ (856 notes) Termination of Desires 13199242981212 ★★★★★ ★★★★★ ★✯✯✯✯ (600 notes) Invitation of Windblume 7701684842332 ★★★★★ ★★✯✯✯ ✯✯✯✯✯ (501 notes) Contemplation in Snow 3303638331228 ★★★★★ ★★★★★ ✯✯✯✯✯ (685 notes) Dance of Aphros 5502661586780 ★★★★★ ★★★★★ ✯✯✯✯✯ (685 notes) Caelestinum Finale Termini 2204126703452 ★★★★★ ★★★★★ ★★✯✯✯ (1111 notes) Caprice of the Leaves 6602173214556 ★★★★★ ✯✯✯✯✯ ✯✯✯✯✯ (526 notes) Winding Through Avidya 8801196470108 ★★★★★ ★★★★✯ ✯✯✯✯✯ (785 notes) Bard's Adventure 9900708097884 ★★★★★ ★★★✯✯ ✯✯✯✯✯ (736 notes) Star ratings roughly based on DJMAX non-SC (whoops) or EZ2ON - subtract maybe 3 stars for the new DJMAX SC scale lol I deliberated with making an easier/thumbs-friendly set like Drumalong but decided against it due to lack of time, as well as finding a lot of excellent maps on the interactive site that have great sync and ideas. Full Playlist of official event stuff:    • [Hoyoverse] Rhythm Minigame Events   Older Drumalong versions:    • [Genshin Impact] Drumalong Showcase M...