Action Potential In SA Node || Primary Pacemaker of the Heart

Action Potential In SA Node || Primary Pacemaker of the Heart

📝 Find notes here: 🌐 Explore our entire animation video library at: Video Summary: SA node is a normal pacemaker of the heart. Action potential in the SA node involves slow pacemaker potential due to slow entry of Na and Ca, upstroke due to rapid influx of Ca and Repolarization and hyperpolarization due to cessation of Ca entry and exit of K ions. Then the K efflux decreases and the slow entry of Na and Ca again brings the potential to a threshold to trigger the next action potential. Thus the SA node keeps generating action potential on its own. 🎞 More videos on the Physiology of CVS • Renin Angiotensin Aldosterone System (RAAS):    • You Will Be Able To ANSWER ALL QUESTI...   • Vasopressin: Synthesis, Release and Effects:    • Vasopressin: Release and Mechanism of...   • Baroreceptor Reflex:    • Baroreceptor reflex for Short term re...   Simplest Way to Show Circulation of Blood:    • The Simplest way to show the blood ci...   • Fluid Filtration Across Capillary wall:    • Fluid Filtration Across Capillaries |...   • Blood Flow:    • Blood Flow: Laminar vs Turbulent || R...   • Origins of Pressure in the Circulation:    • ONLY 2% of Medical Students Know All ...   • Physical Properties of Blood Vessels:    • You Know Eerything Said in this Video...   • Blood Pressure Along The Vascular Circuit:    • DON'T TAKE THIS FOR GRANTED: Blood Pr...   • Pacemaker:    • Pacemaker Tissues of the Heart: SA No...   • Introduction To Cardiovascular System:    • Introduction To Cardiovascular System...   ● Follow me at: • Instagram:   / nonstopneuron   • Facebook:   / nonstopneuron   Chapters 00:00 Intro 00:19 Pacemakers in Heart 02:01 SA Node Intro 02:18 Ions Involved in Action Potential 03:06 Phase 4 of Action Potential 04:09 Phase 0 of Action Potential 04:21 Phase 3 of Action Potential 05:05 Next Action Potential 05:37 Heartbeat 06:10 Summary Dr. Vipul Navadiya DISCLAIMER: This video is for education purposes only. Although every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the material, viewers should refer to the appropriate regulatory body/authorized websites, guidelines, and other suitable sources of information as deemed relevant and applicable. In view of the possibility of human error or changes in medical science, any person or organization involved in the preparation of this work accepts no responsibility for any errors or omissions, or results obtained from the use of information in this video.