The Berenstain Bears Moving Day by Stan and Jan Berenstain | Read Aloud Books
Brother bear is worried about moving into their new house. Join Mama, Papa, and Brother as they pack up, say heartfelt goodbyes to friends, and move from the mountains and into their beloved tree house down the sunny dirt road. Support the Author and consider purchasing the book on Amazon : https://amzn.to/4aXr8r1 Berenstain Bears Collection: https://amzn.to/4aDc0yE Thank you a ton for watching my videos and feel free to share! Lots more book selections here in case you missed it: https://puppylovesme.net/library/ Please Subscribe to my channel to stay up-to-date on my latest releases! Every single subscriber means a lot💖 and helps me and my channel to grow! May the Lord bless you and keep you. @janiepuppylovesme #booksforkids #readaloudbooksforchildren #storybooks #readaloud #readaloudstories #readaloudforkids #storytimeforkids #kidsbooksreadaloud #books #onlinekidsstories #storytime #storiesforkids #kidsstorytime #read #readaloudbooks #berenstainbears