| How a retiring partner can Sell his Interest to remaining partners? | 2nd Year Accounting |

| How a retiring partner can Sell his Interest to remaining partners? | 2nd Year Accounting |

In this video lecture, you will learn about Second Year (XII) Commerce, Accounting. Chapter 7: Partnership - Retirement (Part 1) We follow Karachi Board Syllabus and Petiwala Books --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Accounting Ch 6: Partnership - Distribution of Profit or Loss (Part 1)    • 2nd Year Commerce (XII) | Accounting ...   Accounting Ch 6: Partnership - Distribution of Profit or Loss (Part 2)    • 2nd Year Commerce | Accounting | Ch 6...   Accounting Ch 6: Partnership - Distribution of Profit or Loss (Part 3)    • 2nd Year Commerce | Accounting | Ch 6...   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd Year Accounting Chapter 4: Partnership - Formation (Part 1)    • 2nd Year Commerce | Accounting | Part...   2nd Year Accounting Chapter 4: Partnership - Formation (Part 2)    • 2nd Year Commerce | Accounting | Part...   2nd Year Accounting Chapter 4: Partnership - Formation (Part 3)    • 2nd Year Commerce | Accounting | Part...   -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd Year Accounting Chapter 2: Depreciation (Part 2)    • How to Find a Cost of Fixed Asset?, S...   2nd Year Accounting Chapter 2: Depreciation (Part 1)    • What is Depreciation? Depreciation on...   ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd Year Accounting Chapter 1 (part 1):    • Single Entry or Incomplete Records, C...   2nd Year Accounting Chapter 1 (part 2):    • Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss State...   2nd Year Accounting Chapter 1 (Part 3):    • Class 12th Inter Commerce chapter 1 S...   2nd Year Accounting Chapter 1: (Part 4):    • 2nd Year Commerce Accounting, Single ...   . . . . . . Links For 2nd Year Business Statistics: Link for Chapter 1: Introduction (Part 1)    • Second Year Commerce (XII) | Business...   Link for Statistics Chapter 1: Introduction (Part 2)    • Second Year Commerce (XII) | Business...   Link for Chapter 1: Introduction (Part 3)    • Second Year Commerce (XII) | Business...   Link for Chapter 2: Presentation of Data (Part 1)    • Second Year Commerce (XII) | Business...   Link for Chapter 2: Presentation of Data (Part 2)    • Second Year Commerce (XII) | Business...   Link for Chapter 2: Presentation of Data (Part 3)    • 2nd Year Commerce - XII | Presentatio...   Link for Chapter 2: Presentation of Data (Part 4)    • Second Year Commerce (XII)| Ch 2: Pre...   Link for Chapter 2: Presentation of Data (Part 5)    • 2nd Year Commerce | Presentation of D...   Link for Chapter 2: Presentation of Data (Part 6)    • Class 12 Commerce | Presentation of D...   Link for Chapter 2: Presentation of Data (Part 7)    • Second Year Commerce | Ch 2: Presenta...   Like Our Facebook Page:   / onlinetutorp...​   Join Our Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/90541... Follow Online Tutor on Instagram: onlintutor.pk Email at: [email protected] #onlinetutorhafsasiddiqui #retirement #partnershipretirement #accounting #partnership #saleofinterest