Pine needle green and branches tall..🌲#abcd #rhymes #englishpoem #englishrhymes #englishsongs #kids

Pine needle green and branches tall..🌲#abcd #rhymes #englishpoem #englishrhymes #englishsongs #kids

Pine needle green and branches tall..🌲#abcd #rhymes #englishpoem #englishrhymes #englishsongs #kids abcd English poem for kids Twinkle twinkle little star Gentle baby sleep music the brave little turtle Crazy frog toddler abc song puppy's playtime Old MacDonald had a farm My math cool maths hula hula lion song Rolie polie olie The big haul Miss Spider Thomas and friends uk The berenstain bears Rain rain go away Aha tamatar bade mazedar Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall Baba baba black sheep Shape song Lalaji ladoo laye Visit- ( do watch) Special videos- Independence day -    • स्वतंत्रता दिवस special..🇮🇳#independe...   Rakshabandhan Special -    • Rakshabandhan Special..#Rakhi #kidsrh...   Educational videos - Apple -   • In the Orchard Apple grow....🍎🍎🌿🌿☘️🍀   Ball-    • Round Round Ball goes....🏀🏀🏀   Cat-    • furry cat O furry cat 🐱🐱🐱🐱...      #c...   Dog-    • Doggy Dreams....🐶🐶🐶#kidsrhymes #kidsc...      • Doggy Dreams....🐶🐶🐶#kidsrhymes #kidsc...   Elephant -    • In a jungle big and wide...🌿🍀🐘#kidsrh...   Frog-   • Jump -Jump little Frog 🐸🐸🐸#kidsEnglis...   Girl-    • Sweety Sue in the garden....😃😃#Rhymes...   Hut-   • Tiny Hut on a grassy hill...🛖🛖 #carto...   Icecream -   • Ice-cream Truck..😍🍨🍨🍧🍦#abcd #rhymes #...   Jungle -    • In the jungle what a sight..🐘🦁🐯🐹🐼🐨#rh...   Kite-    • Our kite pure delight..🪁 #abcd #rhyme...   Lamp-    • By the Lamp will stay..🏮🏮#kidssongs #...   Monkey -    • Little Monkey in the tree 🌳🌴🐒#kidsrhy...   Nest-    • In the nest Birdie sleeps..🐣🐥 #Bird #...   Octopus -    • octopus loves to dance 🐙 #abcd #kidsr...   Parrot -    • Parrot fly in the sky..🦜#abcd #kidsrh...   Queen -    • Queen and her crown..👸👑..#abcd #rhyme...   Rabbit -    • Rabbit and Carrot..🐇🐰🥕#abcd, #kidsrhy...   Sun -    • Morning Sun soo warm and bright 🌞😎..#...   Toy -    • In the toy box what will I find?..🙄 #...   Umbrella -    • Umbrella twirls in the Breeze..☂️⛱️ #...   Welcome to Jelly Belly Kids! 🎉 A whimsical world where children can have fun and learn at the same time! Come along for thrilling adventures, from counting and coloring to storytelling and singing delightful rhymes . Lets dive into a universe full of wonders , exploration , share giggles, knowledge, and growth together!...❤️ Contact- [email protected] Instagram - Facebook -