End Your Day With This Powerful Prayer #prayer #prayermusic

End Your Day With This Powerful Prayer #prayer #prayermusic

End your day by giving thanks in prayer. 1 minute of guidance. 10 minutes of relaxing instrumental music to use while you pray. The model prayer taught by Jesus in Matthew 6:9-13 is there for you on the screen as a guide. Our Father in heaven, Hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done On earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, As we forgive our debtors. And do not lead us into temptation, But deliver us from the evil one. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen. Matthew 6:9-13 NKJV "The Lord's Prayer" Bedtime Prayer intro read by Eric Nordhoff Music: https://www.QuietimeMusic.com Song: "Springs of Living Water (Rev 7 17)" by Eric Nordhoff 🔔 Subscribe!    / @quietimemusic   🎵🎶 Find all of the Music: https://www.quietimemusic.com 🎥 Videos you’ll love: ✔️ Pray For 10 Minutes (MORNING VERSION):    • Start Your Day Praying The Lord's Pra...   ✔️ Who I Am In Christ:    • Who I Am In Christ "My Heavenly Fathe...   ✔️ 8 Hours Peaceful Music for Rest, Studying and Sleep:    • Music for REST Studying Sleep Ambient...   🔀 Playlists you’ll love: ✔️ 150 Psalms:    • Listen To The Psalms - Bible Spoken W...   ✔️ 31 Proverbs:    • Listen To Proverbs - Bible Spoken Wor...   Quietime Music and Meditation aims to help you experience God's peace in a hurried world. Research shows that Christians who meditate weekly have stronger faith and experience more of God's peace. Quietime Music and Meditation can help reduce stress, insomnia, and anxiety, improving well-being. “He will calm you in His love. He will rejoice over you with singing.” - Zephenaiah 3:17 STREAM ALL MUSIC BY ERIC NORDHOFF and QUIETIME MUSIC: https://linktr.ee/ericnordhoff FOLLOW US ON SOCIAL MEDIA ▶ Facebook:   / quietimemusic   ▶ Instagram:   / myquietime   ▶ X: https://x.com/myquietime ▶ TikTok:   / myquietime   #quietimemusic #sleep #meditation #mentalhealth #godspromises #scripturemeditation #sleeppsalms #sleepmusic #sleepwithgodsword #sleepingodsword #fastasleep #soakingworshipmusic #audiobible #soakinginhispresence #ericnordhoff #quietime #abideapp #abide #relaxingmusic #abidesleepmeditation #hallowapp #yanni #yannisleep #jimbrickman #ambientmusic #audiobible #lordsprayer #jesuschrist #prayermusic #meditationmusic #bestill #bedtime #eveningprayer