100 Words = 50% English | 100 Most Common English Words | 100 High Frequency Words | 100 Sight Words

100 Words = 50% English | 100 Most Common English Words | 100 High Frequency Words | 100 Sight Words

Hi friends, Do you know that just 13 words make up 25% of English vocabulary when it comes to the frequency of the use of words in a text? Do you know that just 100 words make up 50% of English vocabulary? These are called 'high frequency words' or 'popcorn words' as these words keep frequently popping up in texts. These words are 'the most frequently used English words' that children should be taught to read first. So please watch the full video to learn the set of '100 sight words' that you can teach your kids. Part 2 Video (Second 100 Words) is yet to be uploaded: #sightwords #sightwordsforkids #100mostcommonenglishwords #100mostfrequentenglishwords #100highfrequencywords #100sightwordsinenglish #first100wordstolearntoread #readingpracticeinenglish #howtoreadenglish #howtolearntoreadenglishwords #whatwordschildrenshouldlearntoreadfirst #calibreenglishgrammarintamil #calibregrammar #manojcalibre #calibreenglish #calibreenglishvideos குழந்தைகளுக்கு முதலில் வாசிக்க கற்றுக்கொடுக்க வேண்டிய 100 English Words குழந்தைகள் முதலில் வாசிக்க கற்றுக்கொள்ள வேண்டிய 100 English Words 100 Sight Words for Children in Tamil 100 Sight Words for Kids in Tamil First 100 Words for Children to Learn to read in Tamil 100 High Frequency Words in Tamil 100 words your child will learn to read first in Tamil Top 100 Sight Words and How to Teach Them in Tamil 100 Most Common English Words in Tamil Popcorn words in Tamil What are the first 100 words we should teach children to read? What are the first words we should teach our children to read? 100 most frequent english words 13 words = 25% of English 100 words = 50% of English