Choral Evensong | Sunday 30 July 2023 | Chester Cathedral

Choral Evensong | Sunday 30 July 2023 | Chester Cathedral

The Cathedral Clergy lead Choral Evensong on Sunday 30 July 2023. The Eighth Sunday after Trinity We are delighted to welcome as our visiting choir this week the choirs of St Luke's Episcopal Church, Evanston, IL, & Grace Episcopal Church, Hinsdale, IL Please consider giving to support the work of this Cathedral. You can do so at: The clergy and gathered congregation in the Quire are joined live by others here on YouTube. Readings: 1 Kings 6: 11 - 14, 23 - 38 Acts 12: 1 - 17 Hymns: And can it be We love the place, O God Responses: Käthe Wright Kaufman Psalm 114 Canticles: C V Stanford in B flat Anthem: Love bade me welcome - David Hurd Voluntary: Trumpet tune in G major - Jon Roberts