영랑생가 모란 - The birthplace of Yeon Rang Kim in Kangjin.
The poet Yeong Rang Kim Yoon-sik (1903-1950), a poet who left a big trace in modern literature history, was born, and is now composed of main house, loach, doorway, and surrounding fields. Historically, there was a pagoda, a history and cultural value of 'Yeongang Kim Yonsik's birthplace' with cultural talent and knowledge, and a form of cultural transformation as a house of transition from the early 20th century to the traditional Hanok and modern buildings It is valuable material. In addition, the value of Yeongang's literary world as a space for his descendants to experience the road is important. Originally, it was designated as the Gangjin-jung monument of Jeonnam Gangjin (February 7, 1986), but it was designated as the National Cultural Properties Important Folklore.