20 COBBLEMON Facts You DIDN'T Know (probably)
I spent a lot of time researching obscure facts on Cobblemon for you to know about. Enjoy! Eevee Gitlab page: https://gitlab.com/cable-mc/cobblemon... Hiroku on old Pixelmon team: https://web.archive.org/web/201812261... Cobblemon Discord: / discord Eevee Screenshot in Cobblemon Discord: / discord Cobblemon Old UI: / discord Catchable Mobs Tracker https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/... Cobblemon Trello Board: https://trello.com/b/BVHnwTXR/cobblem... Cobblemon Asset Tracker: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/... Cobblemon Dev Channels: / @plastered_crab / @cobblemondev SOCIALS Patreon: / jonathansplayroom Discord: / discord MOD LIST: https://daffy-governor-2d9.notion.sit... MY MODPACK https://modrinth.com/modpack/jonathan...