LPC, Nov 29, 2020, #3 First Sunday of Advent - Advent Candle

LPC, Nov 29, 2020, #3 First Sunday of Advent - Advent Candle

11.29.20 - First Sunday of Advent Lighting the first candle of Advent - Patti Reaves and Doris Jarvis Frankie Tatum, minister Emily Hodges, Zoom host Joan Dawson, organist Ron Hunsinger and Doris Jarvis, choir Lori Brymer and Ron Hunsinger, readers Patti Reaves, candle lighter Lillian Hunsinger, videographer Oct. 25 - Dec. 6 the Session agreed to have six additional parishioners (masked and distanced) in the sanctuary for Sunday service with the worship team. The Session of Leeds Presbyterian Church decided to allow a worship team: a Zoom meeting host, a minister, an organist, one or two choir members, a reader, and a videographer to enhance Sunday online services during the pandemic. Our Zoom host and church communications person coordinates everyone from her home. The minister joins either from home or in the sanctuary. Worship team members participating in the sanctuary follow social distancing and pandemic guidelines. All other parishioners join via Zoom from wherever they are in the world. We are deeply thankful for the technology that allows us to connect as a congregation during this time.