Wanted To Grow Tons Of White Radishes In DIY Containers? Watch This video! My First Video
Wanted To Grow Tons Of White Radishes In DIY Containers? Watch This video! My First Video On Youtube. In this video, we will start with seeds and grow big white radishes in homemade grow bags. These grow bags are made from old plastic bags that were used to carry things like sugar, rice, etc. We don't need seedlings because we're going to grow white radishes from seeds. We didn't need to add anything fancy to the soil we used to grow radishes—just garden soil and fully decomposed manure. 50% of each is the best way to mix soil. You will see how to grow white radishes in grow bags that you make yourself. We will plant 4 seeds in each of the 8 grow bags. Make holes with your finger and put more than one seed in each one. After the seeds sprout, you can always thin them out. You can see that grasshoppers and mosquitoes attacked the seedlings. You don't need to use any kind of pesticide. Just put some wood ash on the leaves and pick off any bugs you find. #gardeningideas #vegetablegarden #vegetablegardening #gardening #recyclegarden #diygarden