12-24-2023 Christmas Eve Candlelight Worship at 3:30pm
Sunday, December 24th, Christmas Eve 3:30pm and 10:00pm – Candlelight Communion Service These services will be identical except that the 10:00 service will have a harp and flute playing before the service starting at 9:30pm, as well as during the service itself. There will be carols sung, led by organ, there will be Christmas readings from the Bible, Pastor Glen will be preaching a sermon, we will celebrate the Lord’s Supper, and we’ll end with a short Candlelight ceremony. 5:00pm – Family Christmas Service This service is geared toward families with small children. Miss Martha, Immanuel’s Director or Children and Family Ministries, and Pastor Glen will be giving the message which will involve all the kids and everyone who is at the service in a fun, hands-on telling of the Christmas story. 7:00pm – Service of Lessons and Carols There will be a concert of Christmas music starting at 6:30pm before this service that has a wide variety of very fun and very cool Christmas music. The opening carol will be led by organ and handbells, with the remainder of the service led by the worship team. This service also includes a Candlelight ceremony at the end. The message will consist of seven short reflections on the Christmas Scripture readings by members of Immanuel. Monday, December 25th, Christmas Day 9:00am – This is a more traditional-style of worship with Christmas hymns led from organ. Pastor Glen will be preaching the sermon, different from the Christmas Eve services. We will also celebrate the Lord’s Supper. Permission to reprint, podcast, and/or stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE under license #A-724593-A and/or from CHRISTIAN COPYRIGHT LICENSING INTERNATIONAL (CCLI) under license #875069. All rights reserved.