PTE Full Reading Course 1 Hour | Fill in the Blanks, Collocation, Grammar Rules 2024 | SM Academy
link for collocation- https://drive.google.com/file/d/1BCJs... Subscribe channel for more updates šš§” āŖ@SMacademypteā¬ Connect for More PTE Info:- ā š WhatsApp - +61430556159 ā Youtube - / @smacademypte šø Instagram - /Ā Ā /Ā smacademypteĀ Ā š Facebook - / Ā Ā /Ā 61553794213381Ā Ā ā Tiktok- @smacademypte š§ E-mail - [email protected] I'm Sawan. My journey to living in Australia was tough because of the PTE test. I failed a few times, but I didn't give up. Finally, I got the scores I needed, a 79 in every part, and I could stay in Australia for good. This made me want to help others like me. So, I started SM Academy PTE. We're here to help you pass the PTE. We give you personal tips, practice, and cheer you on. With us, you're not alone. Let's make your PTE score a win and open new doors for you. Join us, and let's reach your goal together. Drop a like ā¤ and Subscribe for more valuable contentš. šāĀ Ā Ā /Ā @smacademypteĀ Ā Other Useful Links :- 1) āPTE Listening Tips For 90 in 2024 | PTE Listening Tips and Tricks | SM Academy PTE Ā Ā Ā ā¢Ā PTEĀ ListeningĀ TipsĀ ForĀ 90Ā inĀ 2024Ā šÆ|Ā ...Ā Ā 2) ā PTE Exam Pattern 2024 | Questions Type| Preparation Tips and Tricks| Study Material Ā Ā Ā ā¢Ā PTEĀ ExamĀ PatternĀ 2024Ā |Ā QuestionsĀ Typ...Ā Ā 3) ā PTE Speaking Tips For 90 in 2024 | Tips, Tricks and Strategies| SM Academy PTE Ā Ā Ā ā¢Ā PTEĀ SpeakingĀ TipsĀ ForĀ 90Ā inĀ 2024Ā |Ā Ti...Ā Ā 4) ā Best PTE Hack to Get Perfect 90 in PTE | Tips and Strategy | Sm Acadmey PTE Ā Ā Ā ā¢Ā BestĀ PTEĀ HackĀ toĀ GetĀ PerfectĀ 90Ā inĀ PT...Ā Ā 5) ā PTE READING FILL IN THE BLANKS Tips and Strategies | GRAMMAR RULES 2024 | SM ACADEMY PTE Ā Ā Ā ā¢Ā PTEĀ READINGĀ FILLĀ INĀ THEĀ BLANKSĀ TipsĀ a...Ā Ā 6) ā PTE Listening Tips For 90 in 2024 šÆ| PTE Listening Tips and Tricks | SM Academy PTE Ā Ā Ā ā¢Ā PTEĀ ListeningĀ TipsĀ ForĀ 90Ā inĀ 2024Ā šÆ|Ā ...Ā Ā 7) ā PTE Top 7 Golden Tips For 79+ in 2024 | SM Academy PTE | PTE Academic Tips and Tricks Ā Ā Ā ā¢Ā PTEĀ TopĀ 7Ā GoldenĀ TipsĀ ForĀ 79+Ā inĀ 2024...Ā Ā Timestamp:- (00:00) : Precap of PTE Reading course (00:17) : PTE Reading common mistake (02:59) : Reading question type (04:45) : Time management in reading (07:40) : Grammar rules for PTE (28:10) : Reading strategy for FIB (40:55) : Wrap Up tags:- #pteacademic #ptereadingfullcourse #ptepreparation #smacademypte #ptetipsandtricks #pte2024 #australia , pte reading tips and tricks pte reading fill in the blanks tips and tricks pte reading fill in the blanks pte reading tips pte reading fill in the blanks language academy pte reading fill in the blanks tips and tricks language academy pte reading language academy pte reading score distribution pte reading and writing fill in the blanks pte reading test pte reading and writing fill in the blanks tips and tricks pte reading grammar rules pte reading reorder paragraph tips and tricks