말똥가리와 까마귀 공중전 Eastern Buzzard and Carrion Crow fighting in the air | Buteo japonicus | Corvus corone

말똥가리와 까마귀 공중전 Eastern Buzzard and Carrion Crow fighting in the air | Buteo japonicus | Corvus corone

말똥가리와 까마귀가 공중전을 합니다 Eastern Buzzard (Buteo japonicus) and Carrion Crow (Corvus corone) are fighting in the air /사진/ Picture by 玄岩 /장소/ Place: 공주 금강 상공 (The sky above Geumgang River, Gongju, Republic of Korea) /일시/ Taken on 2023-10-30 11:46~47 /음악/ Music: M Ravel - Le Tombeau de Couperin (Ⅵ Toccata) '라벨 쿠프랭의 무덤 (6번 토카타)' 中 /연주/ Pianist: Little Santa Piano /편집/ Video encoding by 양지 #새 #말똥가리 #까마귀 #birds #birdphotography #buzzard #easternbuzzard #crow #carrioncrow Ⓒ 2024 양지 All rights reserved yaangjee@gmail com