RESIDENT EVIL 2: KENDO'S CUT | RE: Enhanced | Full Mod Longplay Walkthrough No Commentary | 4K 60fps
What would've happened if Robert Kendo survived the gun shop attack? There's a new hero in town... ►►► My rating for RESIDENT EVIL 2 (1998) Kendo's Cut: ★★★★★★★ out of ★★★★★ Kendo's Cut Mod by: @Resevilnemesis30 RE: Enhanced HD Mod by: SonicB00M Hands down, the funniest mod I've ever played. LINKS: KENDO'S CUT: https://www.moddb.com/mods/resident-e... RE: ENHANCED HD MOD: https://www.moddb.com/mods/reenhance-re2 ►►► Hit the like button and subscribe to the channel, share the video and leave a comment to let me know if you enjoy my content. Any of these actions would mean a lot, even as a motivation for me to keep bringing the best gaming entertainment possible! Follow me on Instagram for future updates and previews! ► Instagram: / lo_quality_gaming27 THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT & STAY TUNED! #residentevil #residentevilmod #hdmod #mods #pcgaming