Understanding the Fertility Window and Cycle Tracking | Eshan Polyclinic

Understanding the Fertility Window and Cycle Tracking | Eshan Polyclinic

What is a fertility window? The fertile period means the most fertile period of the menstrual cycle. Who has a regular cycle (28–30 days) Ovulation will appear on the 14th or 15th day. The life span of sperm is five days. So before five days of ovulation and after the ovulation of the first day, we call it the most fertile period, so the partners will meet between those times, and they will have the most chances of pregnancy. Why partners will meet on alternative days of ovulation? Why not daily? Because the main reason behind this is that the partners will meet day-to-day, the sperm count of males will be lower compared to the alternative days of ovulation of the regular menstrual cycle. This is predictable, so we call it the calendar method. Most of the females are facing problems with irregular periods, i.e., 30 days, 35 days, or 40 days. Those are unpredictable, so in this case, to find out the fertility window, there are different natural methods available. 1. Cervical Mucous Method: (It means the quality of the mucus around your cervix so that you know when you are most fertile or most able to become pregnant.) In this method, before the ovulation, the female white discharge will be cloudy and lumpy, but during the ovulation, the female white discharge will have an egg white consistency; it should be watery. This is called the fertile period. The partners will meet on the same day or the next day of the fertile period, so the chances of pregnancy are high. 2.Basal body temperature : (in this case) By tracking your basal body temperature each day, you may be able to predict when you'll ovulate. (This may help you determine when you're most likely to conceive.) In this case, by tracking female basal body temperature from day 10 onward, we will check the body temperature daily. Suddenly, the temperature will rise from 0.5 to 1 degree F. This is due to the progesterone hormone ovulation. The partners will meet on the same day or the next day of the progesterone hormone ovulation, so the chances of pregnancy are high. 3.The Combined Method: The combination of the Cervical Mucous Method and basal body temperature Method is called the Combined Method. In this method, the pregnancy results are very high. 4.Ovulation prediction test kits: In this process, you collect your first urine sample in the morning and take 3 drops inside the KIT. You wait a few minutes for the results, and the results will be based on the luteinizing hormone. Negative Result: Only one color band appears in the top Control (C) region. There should be no apparent band in the Test (T) region; it is called a negative test. Positive Result: When two color bands appear on the top control (C) and test (T) regions, it is called a positive test. Before the ovulation, the segregation of LH hormone will release in the time period of 24-36 hours. The partners will meet on the same day or the next day of the ovulation, so the chances of pregnancy are high. 5.Folicular tracking method It's a simple technique. This method will be done under the guidance of a gynecologist and a radiologist for assessing ovarian follicles at regular intervals, like the 8th, 10th, 12th, and 14th days, to find the growth of follicle size in the ovum based on the ultrasound probes. Initially, the growth of the dominant follicle is 1.5 to 2.0 mm; later on, it is increased to 20 to 24 mm. It is the only marker that can predict ovulation. The gynecologist will suggest natural ovulation or give HGC injections. The partners will meet on the same day or the next day of the ovulation, so the chances of pregnancy are high. #fertilitywindow #fertility #pregnancy #ovulation #tryingtoconceive #fertilitycentre #infertility #fertilityspecialist #fertilitymeaning #fertilitycalendar #fertilitytips #fertilitystory #fertilityrate #fertilitydefinition #fertilitytest #fertilityclinic #reflexologytreatment #fertilitytracker #fertilitydiet #fertilitydrugs #fertilitypills #cervicalmucus #ttcsupport #fertilityreflexology #bolivarfertilitymethod #fertilityclinicnearme #everlinkfertilitycentre #love #fertilityscreenings #earlytreatment