30th Sunday in Ordinary Time - 10/25/20
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Fr. Bork, Homily for the 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time (OF 10/25/20)
10 25 20 Father Jayme's Homily THIRTIETH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME
10-25-20 | La Santa Misa del 30 Domingo de Tiempo Ordinario
10-25-20 | The Holy Mass of 30th Sunday of Ordinary Time
Roadmap, Part II: Reclaimed and Repurposed
30th Sunday in Ordinary Time - 10/25/20 - Fr. Lucas Laborde
30th Sunday in Ordinary Time - 10/25/20
Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time-10/25/20
30th Sunday in Ordinary Time 10 25 20
10/25/20 - Fr. Richard Vosko's Homily - 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time
30th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Mass, Sunday at 5:30 PM (10/25/20)
5:30 p.m. Mass for Sunday, 10/25/20
5:00 p.m. Mass 10/25/20 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Int. Deborah Waggoner
10/25/20 12:30 PM Misa en Español, XXX Domingo Ordinario, Christ The King Catholic Church
Sunday Mass on 10/25/20, Fr. John O'Brien
30th Sunday in Ordinary Time, 10/25/20 11:30 AM
*LIVE Mass on Sunday of the Thirtieth Week in Ordinary Time (10/25/20) #catholicmass #masstoday
Mass, Sunday at 11:00 AM (10/25/20)
St Barnabas the Apostle 10-25-20 - 30th Sunday of Ordinary Times