Lec 00: CA | CS | CMA Inter | GST | By CA Vishal Bhattad | Vsmart Academy

Lec 00: CA | CS | CMA Inter | GST | By CA Vishal Bhattad | Vsmart Academy

💥Enroll for CA, CS, CMA Inter GST batch. This batch is specially for students who are appearing for May & Nov 2023 Exams. 💫Learn GST with India's leading faculty CA Vishal Bhattad from Vsmart Academy. 💯Course Highlights: 1. Regular In-Depth Batch - New batch2 starting from 08th Nov 2022 2. 100% syllabus coverage as per ICAI module 3. Unlimited Course Validity 4. Approx 30 lectures @ 90 hrs for total syllabus completion 5. Approx 8 Lectures @ 30 hrs for additional practice questions 500+ in a classroom 💫To purchase the product hit the following link: 👉🏻https://bit.ly/3G8cPE7 💬 For any enquiries Whatsapp US on 7773977744 📌 Check our Website: https://vsmartacademy.com/ 📞 Helpline Contact : +91 7796868686 🔔Subscribe to our Channel and Stay tuned for the latest videos by hitting the bell icon🔔 👉🏻For more details visit the below links: 🔹️Instagram:   / vsmartacademy   🔹️Facebook:   / vsmartacademycacs   🔹️Telegram https://t.me/caintervsmartacademy . . . . . . . . #vsmartacademy #vsmartacademypune #caclasses #caintermediate #cainter #cainterclasses #bestcaclasses #icaistudents #caonlineclasses #bestcainterclasses #icaistudents #caonlinelectures #castudentlife #caintergst #caintergstnov23 #cainterrevision #caintergroup1 #caintergstmay23 #caintergstlecture