Raiding A WOODLAND MANSION & I Almost DIED! - Minecraft 1.18 Hardcore (#21)

Raiding A WOODLAND MANSION & I Almost DIED! - Minecraft 1.18 Hardcore (#21)

Today we decided to raid a woodland mansion in Minecraft 1.18 Hardcore! We had to trade with villagers to get a special map, fought through the Vindicators, and came so close to death. We then came back home, exploded 800 pieces of TNT, and built a new minecraft UFO build! Watch The Whole Hardcore Series HERE:    • Hardcore Let's Play   Seed: 564902244069520138 MY SOCIALS: Instagram:   / nick_farzy   Twitter:   / nick_farzy   Discord Server:   / discord   2nd Channel:    / nickfarzy   My Merch: Become A Member:    / @farzymc   #Minecraft #Hardcore #LetsPlay