Saturday of d 34th Week in OT: Beware That Your Hearts Do Not Become Drowsy.. | Luke 21:34-36
December 2, 2023, Saturday of the Thirty-fourth Week in Ordinary Time Be vigilant at all times and pray That you may have the strength to stand before the Son of Man. Beware That Your Hearts Do Not Become Drowsy From Carousing and Drunkenness Gospel | Luke 21:34-36 🙏 "Dear Lord Jesus, grant me the grace to celebrate each day with joy and thanksgiving for a wonderful life You have lavished me with Your unconditional love and forgiveness. You have given more than I deserve. Give me the strength to remain wide awake in my life of faith. Help me live a vigilant and holy disposition so I may merit eternal life and have the strength to stand before You on the last day. Amen." Saint Eusebius, pray for us.