Huam Traditional Market, 후암시장 (Seoul, Korea)/4K60fps

Huam Traditional Market, 후암시장 (Seoul, Korea)/4K60fps

(2021 03) Huam Traditional Market, 후암시장 (Seoul, Korea)/4K60fps *서울역 인근 남산 아래 자리한 후암동은 동네 골목마다 시간이 멈춘 듯 레트로 감성을 물씬 풍기는 곳이다 최근 옛 문화를 즐기려는 사람들이 후암동으로 몰려들면서 60년 전통을 가진 후암동 재래시장이 새롭게 주목 받고 있다 서울역 근처에 이런 시장이 있었나 싶을 만큼 잘 알려지지 않았지만, 사실 이곳은 1954년에 문을 열어 남대문보다 10년이나 앞서 생겼고 서울에서 4번째로 오래된 전통시장이다 *Huam-dong, located under Namsan Mountain near Seoul Station, is a place where retro sensibility is felt as if time has stopped in every alley in the neighborhood Recently, as people who want to enjoy the old culture flocked to Huam-dong, the traditional market in Huam-dong, which has a 60-year tradition, is drawing new attention Although it is not well known to the extent that there was such a market near Seoul Station, it actually opened in 1954 and is the fourth oldest traditional market in Seoul, 10 years ahead of Namdaemun * *Huam Traditional Market #용산구, #후암시장, #Huam_Market