Dangerous Effects Loud DJ Music on Heart "
#DJmusic #HeartHealth #LoudMusic #HealthAwareness #Hindi #MusicEffects #CardiovascularHealth #SoundPollution #HeartDisease #HealthTips #EarHealth #HighDecibels #HealthyLifestyle #ProtectYourHeart #PublicHealth #PreventHearingLoss #HealthEducation #BeatsPerMinute #HealthResearch #NoisePollution In this video, we discuss the potential dangers of listening to loud DJ music on your heart health. Could the intense sound levels lead to a sudden heart attack? Watch to learn more about the impact of loud noises on your cardiovascular system. लाउड DJ संगीत की गहराई से हृदय स्वास्थ्य पर कितना खतरा है? क्या ज़ोरदार आवाज लेवल स्वीकृत तकलीफों की तेज वृद्धि का कारण बन सकता है? जानने के लिए वीडियो देखें! Don't forget to like, share, and subscribe for more health-related content in Hindi! #heartattack #health #loudnoise #DJmusic #hearthealth #हृदयस्वास्थ्य #आवाज FOR ONLINE CONSULTATION This is to inform that Dr.Navin Agrawal would be available for an online consultation... Join us for an online video consultation by Tuesday EVENING. Please call on this number to book a consult 9316799267 and 02632356091(call time 9am to 6pm -monday to Saturday ) Please send all your relevant reports atleast 1 day ptior to the date of consult to dr pooja on +919260934035