2024-11-27: 5:15 pm  Exposition of the Blessed  Sacrament followed by the Holy Mass.

2024-11-27: 5:15 pm Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament followed by the Holy Mass.

Good evening and welcome the Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament followed by the Celebration of the Holy Mass on this Wednesday of the 34th Week in Ordinary Time. A theme for our readings for today is that of perseverance and endurance. We continue to hear about the great trials and tribulations that are to come. In our reading from Revelation, we hear that the beast will be conquered and in the end, all nations will come and worship the Lord. In our Gospel, Jesus speaks of the fact that the disciples will not escape tribulation and persecution but in the end, their endurance and perseverance will give them the glory of heaven. This is a great reminder to each one of us to trust in the Lord at all times. When you are going through trials and setbacks, keep your eyes fixed on Jesus and trust in his love and guidance on your path. Lord Jesus, I trust that you will weather the storms with me! Today's Responsorial Psalm 98: "Great and wonderful are all your works, Lord, mighty God!"