Herpes Simplex Virus:Types-I,II, transmission, pathogenesis, lesions,laboratory diagnosis, #virology

Herpes Simplex Virus:Types-I,II, transmission, pathogenesis, lesions,laboratory diagnosis, #virology

In this lecture I have completely described the details of Herpes Simplex Virus. The virus is a member of herpes virus family. It is double stranded DNA, enveloped virus. There are two types of herpes Simplex Virus. Type-I: Causes lesions above the waist. Type-II: Causes lesions below the waist. Transmission through: Saliva Sexual contact Latency period: Trigeminal ganglion Lumbar ganglia Sacral Ganglion Diagnosis: ELISA Fluorescent staining Tzanck smear #virology #microbiology #lectures #medicalscience #pathology #mbbs #bds #nursing #nursingstudent #pharmacy #aiims #aiims_exam #aiimsdelhi #plab #plab1 #plabcourse #usmle #usmlestep #usmlestep1 #clinical #health #diseases #drnajeeb #drnajeeblectures #drgbhanuprakash #medguideseries