528 Hz Manifest Miracles • Open The Portal Of Infinite Abundance

528 Hz Manifest Miracles • Open The Portal Of Infinite Abundance

528 HZ MANIFEST MIRACLES • OPEN THE PORTAL OF INFINITE ABUNDANCE Channel: Healing Soul Frequencies 🎵Tracking Info: Composer: Vidrone _________________________ Do you know that what is the most important when you're doing manifestation? That's "Your intention." Your intention will always be the most important factor when it comes to manifestation. The way you think, feel and act are all just the result of that intention. So decide what you want out of life and dive right in. Believe with every inch of your being! Don’t get me wrong, all of these manifestation techniques are powerful!! But use them as tools… Because the real magic already exists inside of you. Never forget that you are a magnificent creator cuz The universe has your back, and so do I. We Do Meditation and Praying Here Everyday, so don't forget to Like and 🔔Subscribe for Daily Meditation Frequencies. We hope every member in our community day by day come closer to our aims in life 💖 _________________________ - Vidrone, composer for ViVi Records To contact and send music: [email protected] Music by Vidrone Copyright ⓒ2023 Vidrone®. All rights reserved