LIVE: Friday of the Thirty-fourth Week in Ordinary Time l NOVEMBER 29, 2024 l 5:00 P.M (ENGLISH
LIVE: Friday of the Thirty-fourth Week in Ordinary Time l NOVEMBER 29, 2024 l 5:00 P.M (ENGLISH) l THE MASS PRESIDER REV. FR. ---------------------------------------- You may watch the Live streaming Mass at its official facebook page: / apungmamacaluluofficialpage YOUTUBE CHANNEL: OFFICIAL APUNG MAMACALULU SHRINE / @officialapungmamacalulushr9621 ------------------------------------------- Apung Mamacalulu Shrine is open to receive direct donations and continuing financial Assistance. The Apung Mamacalulu Shrine is appreciative for your donations and financial assistance. These contributions go directly to support the operational funds and MEDIA utilities of the Shrine. For your Donations, you may deposit/transfer fund to our bank account. Bank: Philippine National Bank Branch: Brgy. Sto. Cristo, Mc-Arthur Hi-Way, Angeles City Account name: Apu Centro Fund Account no: 20277-000-6372 The Shrine Office is open. Please look for Mr. Renz Marion Cunanan for the acknowledgment receipt or message us for the validation of your donation. Thank you!