Should You Replace Coil Pack with Spark plugs? (At the Same Time)

Should You Replace Coil Pack with Spark plugs? (At the Same Time)

In this video I am going to explain if you need to replace your car's ignition coil packs when you change your spark plugs. I'll discuss how spark plugs and coil packs work together to power your engine, why spark plugs wear out faster, testing coil packs, rules of thumb for when to change coils, and maintenance recommendations. What I cover in this video: 1. Do coil packs need to be changed with spark plug replacement? 2. Spark plug replacement intervals 3. Coil pack lifespan 4. Coil pack vs spark plug failure symptoms 5. Testing coil packs 6. When to replace ignition coils 7. Preventative maintenance on ignition systems By the end you'll know whether you should automatically swap coils just because you're installing new spark plugs. I'll summarize the best practices based on parts longevity and following recommended service guidelines, not overspending on premature parts replacement. This video is for anyone wondering if ignition coil replacement should coincide with routine spark plug changes. Applies to all gasoline engine powered vehicles - cars, trucks, SUVs, etc running on 4 stroke engines requiring plugs and coils to run properly.