Everyone's got scars[]Obanai angst[]Saneobagiyuu friendship[]Sanegiyuu[]PT.2[]

Everyone's got scars[]Obanai angst[]Saneobagiyuu friendship[]Sanegiyuu[]PT.2[]

Pt.1:    • They saw it..[]Obanai angst[]Ft. Sane...   Obanai angst Saneobagiyuu friendship Secretly married sanegiyuu I do not own the song used in the video! Song: Diamonds Link: https://open.spotify.com/track/6O20Jh... Apps used ------------------ Lavanda night Capcut Ibispaint X Socials --------------- Yt: you here already Tiktok: g4ch4_weebs https://www.tiktok.com/@g4ch4_weebs?_... Insta: •Gacha-Weebs• https://www.instagram.com/g4chaweebs?... Discord: gacha_weebs Snap: maybe one day but not getting it today 😶 Have a good day/evening/night! Love you all!♡♡