3 things to avoid during pregnancy Mumzcare World Pregnancy Care #parentingtips #parenting #baby
1. Not Drinking Enough Water 💧 Why Harmful: 1. Dehydration: Can cause fatigue, headaches, and dizziness. 2. Amniotic Fluid Issues: Affects the baby’s environment and development. 3. Constipation & UTIs: Insufficient water leads to digestive issues and increases UTI risk. 2. Overeating 🍽️ Why Harmful: 1. Excess Weight Gain: Increases risk of gestational diabetes and hypertension. 2. Digestive Problems: Causes heartburn, bloating, and discomfort. 3. Complications at Birth: Leads to a larger baby size, making delivery difficult. 3. Staying Lethargic & Avoiding Exercise 🛋️ Why Harmful: 1. Poor Blood Circulation: Increases swelling and risk of blood clots. 2. Low Energy Levels: Makes you feel tired and sluggish. 3. Increased Delivery Risks: Lack of activity weakens muscles needed for labor. Click on the link: https://www.mumzcareworld.com/connect-me/ You can connect us on below links. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mitaleejathar Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mumz_care/ Website: https://www.mumzcareworld.com/ Tip: Stay hydrated, eat balanced meals, and include light exercise (like walking or prenatal yoga) for a healthy pregnancy! 🍼 #pregnantstyle #pregnantyoga #pregnancydiet #pregnancydiary #love #life #pregnancyfashion #parentingtips #momlife #dadlife #pregnancyannouncement #pregnancymyths #pregnancycaretip #preggo #pregnancyandpostpartum #joyfuljourney #ancientscience #ayurveda #pregnancy #smartbaby #smartkid #divinebaby #garbhsanskar #meditation #pregnancymeditation #postpartum #postpartumdepression