에스더 1-10장 [쉬운성경] Esther "Who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?

에스더 1-10장 [쉬운성경] Esther "Who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?

The unknown author of the book of Esther was most likely a Jew very familiar with the royal Persian court The detailed descriptions of court life and traditions, as well as the events that occurred in the book, point to an eyewitness author Because his perspective was pro-Jewish, scholars believe he was a Jew writing for the remnant that had returned to Judah under Zerubbabel Some have suggested Mordecai himself was the author, though the accolades for him found in the text suggest that another person, perhaps one of his younger contemporaries, was the author The book is named for the “star” of the story, a young Jewish girl named Hadassah who was taken from her guardian, Mordecai, and forced to compete for the affection of the king This unlikely contestant for a beauty pageant was crowned queen of Persia and renamed Esther, meaning “star ” Where are we? The events in the book of Esther occurred from 483 BC to 473 BC, during the first half of the reign of King Xerxes, who chose Esther as his queen During this time period, the first remnant of Jews who had returned to Judah were struggling to reestablish temple worship according to the Law of Moses But Esther and Mordecai, along with many other Jews, had chosen not to make the trek back to Judah They seemed content to stay in Susa, the capital city of Persia, in which the story is set The book was written no earlier than 470 BC and probably no later than 424 BC, during the reign of Xerxes’ son Artaxerxes Why is Esther so important? Esther is the only book in the Bible not to mention the name of God But that is not to say that God was absent His presence permeates much of the story, as though He were behind the scenes coordinating “coincidences” and circumstances to make His will happen Much like the book of Ruth, this book stands as one of the most skillfully written biblical books Using eight feasts to systematically build and resolve suspense, the author constructed the story chiastically—using a Hebrew literary device in which events mirror each other inversely Early listeners to the story would have recognized significant events and followed the rising tension with understanding Haman, the king’s evil second-in-command, was a descendant of Agag, king of the Amalekites, who were ancient enemies of God’s people (Numbers 24:7; 1 Samuel 15:8) He cast the lot, called “pur,” in order to determine the day that the Jews would be exterminated (Esther 3:7–9) The feast of Purim, still celebrated by Jews today, commemorates the Jews’ deliverance from Haman’s plot (9:24–32) What's the big idea? While the primary purpose of the book of Esther was to relate the dramatic origins of the feast of Purim, a greater theme shines through the story The sovereignty and faithfulness of God permeate each scene Nothing is truly coincidental, the book of Esther says to us God’s sovereignty is best summarized in Mordecai’s exhortation to Esther: “And who knows whether you have not attained royalty for such a time as this?” (Esther 4:14) When events seemed out of control to Esther and Mordecai, when the king dictated ruin for their people, when evil was poised to triumph God was at work He worked through their dark days (Esther was taken to the harem [2:1–16]), their faithful obedience (Esther risked her life before the king [5:1–3]), and their victories (Esther revealed Haman’s plot and the Jews’ destruction of their enemies [7–9]) This message is clear: God is sovereign even when life doesn’t make sense God is also the great Promise Keeper Mordecai said to Esther: “If you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place and you and your father’s house will perish” (Esther 4:14) Mordecai’s words reflected his faith that God would honor His eternal covenant with Abraham and David How do I apply this? Life can be hard Difficult times happen, and pain cannot be avoided When life doesn’t make sense, do you turn to God or away from Him? Let the book of Esther encourage you that God is always present Jesus called us “friends” ( John 15:15), and the Spirit is our “Helper” (14:26) Trust and obey, as Esther did And watch God silently weave all events for His glory and for our good 본서는 많은 세월에 걸쳐 윤리적인 면에서 공격을 받아 왔습니다 왜냐하면 본서의 내용이 신약 성경에 단 한 번도 언급되지 않았으며, 유대인의 적들에 대한 학살 사건이 잔인하게 다루어져 있기 때문입니다 그러나 본서가 다루고자 하는 것은 하나님의 백성에게 대적하는 대적자들이 누구이든지 모두 하나님의 심판을 받는다는 사실입니다 역사는 하나님의 주관하심에 따라야 하며, 특히 선택된 백성들의 삶은 하나님이 섭리하시는 '축'입니다 그들은 하나님에 대한 직접적인 언급은 하지 않았지만 그 백성들의 신앙적 표현(에4:12-14, 에6:1)을 통해 볼 때 하나님의 신실하시미을 믿었던 것으로 여겨집니다 따라서 본서에서는 시·공간을 초월하여 그 선택된 백성을 구원하시는 하나님의 은혜로우심을 발견할 수 있습니다 이 은혜가 오늘날에도 동일하게 작용하고 있음에 우리는 감사드려야 할 것입니다 한 여인의 대단한 활약사을 통하여 드러나는 백성들의 구원 뒤에는 하나님의 사랑과 은혜로움이 있었습니다 본서를 통해 우리는 하나님에 대해 직접적으로 깨우쳐 주는 선지자들이 없더라도 하나님께서는 여전히 선택된 백성들을 위하여 일하고 계신다는 메시지를 접하게 됩니다 삶이 어둡고 고통스러울지라도 하나님을 신뢰하는 신앙의 진실한 모습은 무엇보다 중요합니다 이 세대를 살아가는 성도들은 하나님의 신실하신 사랑에 감사하며 그분을 신뢰하는 삶을 살아야 하겠습니다