Spend A Stormy Night In This Cozy Sci-Fi Bedroom | Rain & Thunder | Star Wars Inspired
Here is a night version of my Future Bedroom scene. This has distant lightning and subtle thunder sounds. There are less ships here as its night so the traffic would be far fewer. I hope that if you use this for relaxing or sleeping, and that you can fall asleep fast with a nice view in your TV or Projector! If you like my content and feel like you want to show some extra support... Perhaps consider 'buying me a coffee' here: https://ko-fi.com/ambientrenders This was rendered and created using Unreal Engine 5, with some work done in post using After Effects and Davinci Resolve. Below are some affiliate links to assets I have used for a couple of my Cyberpunk scenes, adding these helps me keep my channel funded, as I gain revenue from anything purchased via these links (whilst I am in the affiliate programs below): Neon Glitch Shapes https://aejuice.com/product/neon-glit... Cyberpunk Bundle https://aejuice.com/product/cyberpunk... All Access https://aejuice.com/all-access/?ref=A... Free Plugins https://aejuice.com/free-plugins/?ref... Copyright information: Do not copy, reproduce or redistribute my videos, in part or in full anywhere on the internet, I do not give permission unless its expressly given in writing by myself. Thank you #Rain on Window #Rain Sounds for Sleeping #Night Rain #Ambient Renders Thanks again and sleep well Ambient Renders