Q&A Monday is BACK!
It's been too long! Come join us for another Q&A Monday! Chapters: 00:00 Intro 02:00 Is spearmint toxic to cats 03:35 Pet Fooled documentary 05:00 First aid kit 06:31 Cat chewing and peeing on furniture 08:32 Help for scared kitten 12:38 Cat pees in bathtub 13:45 Topical cream warning 15:19 FreshFoodConsultants.org 17:00 Redirected aggression 18:29 Picky eater 20:55 Bald spot 22:50 Meowing all day 24:55 Best carrier for 2 cats 26:05 Petting aggression We love connecting with cat parents! Leave a comment to say hello, ask questions or give feedback. You can also text us at 702-466-1150! And we'd love it if you'd click subscribe! Join us on our journey! ► Shop our NATURAL feline products, treats and toys here: https://twocrazycatladies.com/shop ► Stay updated on feline health by signing up to our Newsletter: http://bit.ly/MewsLetter ► Become A Supporter of our FREE content: https://bit.ly/Support-The-Cat-Ladies --- Jae and Adrienne are the owners of Two Crazy Cat Ladies™, a brand created to bring cat parents together and raise awareness for the health and wellbeing of kitties world-wide. They have dedicated their lives to helping cats live the longest, healthiest and happiest life possible. They host regular Live shows on social media to connect with cat parents and answer questions about their kitties. They also travel the US speaking about cats and cat health. Oh, and... they love to drink wine. :) --- Follow Us On Social Media Here: Facebook: / thetwocrazyc. . Instagram: / thetwocrazy. .